Greenline Paribahan Ticket Counter

Greenline Paribahan Counter Number, Address, Phone Number & Ticket Price 2024

Greenline Paribahan is a privately-owned transport company founded in 1990. Now it is the most deluxe bus service in Bangladesh that also offers bus service beyond the country to Kolkata (India). More than 60 buses of Greenline Paribahan are operating throughout the country mostly focused on the tourist city.

The most luxurious bus service in Bangladesh, Greenline Paribahan not only offers bus service within the country as well as beyond the border. The ticket price of Greenline Paribahan depends on the destination and which class you choose to travel to. Greenline Paribahan has more than 60 scheduled buses that depart from various counters (all the counter information of Greenline Paribahan is given in the article) throughout the country.

Facts about Greenline Paribahan:

NameGreenline Paribahan
ServicesBus service all around Bangladesh and Kolkata
Head office contact number+88 02 8315380
Hotline Number16557
Address9/2, Outer Circular Road, Momen Bagh,Rajarbagh, Dhaka-1217
Contact Number09613316557+88 02 8331302+88 02 8331303+88 02 8331304

List of Green Line bus counter by division:

Dhaka Divison:

Counter NameCounter AddressContact Number
Kallayanpur Counter- 14 South Kallayanpur,Sohrab Petrol Pump+880 29008694+880 1730060080
Kallayanpur Counter- 29 South Kallayanpur,Khaleq Petrol Pump+880 28032957
Uttara CounterHouse # 4, Road #12Sector #6,House BuildingUttara.+880 1970060075
Badda CounterKha/195Middle BaddaOpposite of Lion Eye HospitalGulshan.+880 1970060074
Sayedabad Counter35/9 BrammanchiranGolapbagh+880 4478660011
Arambagh Counter167/1 Eden Complex,Arambagh, Motijheel.+880 27192301+880 1730060009
Fakirapool Counter12 Fakirapool,Hotel Estern.+880 27191900
Rajarbagh Counter9/2 Outer Circular Road,Momenbagh, Rajarbagh.+880 28315380+880 29339623+880 28331302
Nadda CounterAbid Ali Market,Opposite of the Jamuna Future ParkNadda, Gulshan.+880 4478660021

Chittagong Divison:

Counter NameCounter AddressContact number
A.K. Khan Counter149/A/208 AK Khan Main Road, Chittagong.+880 1730060021+880 1970060021+880 31-751161
Dampara New Counter34 Zakir Hossain Road, Dampara, Chittagong.+880 1970060085
Dampara Old Counter5/6 Zakir Hossain Road, Dampara, Chittagong.+880 1730060085+880 31-63055

Cox’s Bazar Counters: 

Counter NameCounter AddressContact number
Kolatoli Counter12no Ward Kolatoli Main Road,Hotel Honeymoon, Cox’s Bazar.+880 1970060070+880 34163747
Jhawtola Counter10 No Ward Jhawtola Main Road+880 1730060070+880 34162533
Terminal CounterOposit of Interdistrict Bus Terminal+880 1730060074

Jessore Counters:

Counter NameCounter AddressContact number
Gari Khana CounterGari Khana Road+880 1730060038+880 421-68389
Newmarket CounterKhajora Bus Stand,Newmarket.+880 1730060039


Counter NameCounter AddressContact number
Khulna CounterKDA Avenue, Khulna (near to Royal Mor)+880 1709-932723+880 1730-060037, +880 41-813888

Benapole Counters:

Counter NameCounter AddressContact number
Bazar CounterOpposite of BGB Camp+880 1730060035+880 4228-75776
Border CounterBenapole border+880 1970060032+880 4228-75781


Counter NameCounter AddressContact number
Rangpur CounterGL Road, Rangpur city+880 1730-060041+880 521-66678


Counter NameContact number
Rajshahi Counter+880 1730060051+880 1721812350


Counter NameContact number
Dumdumia Gate Counter, Teknaf, Cox’ s Bazar+880 1730060044
Abdullah Filling Station Counter, Teknaf, Cox’ s Bazar+880 1730060046


Counter NameContact number
Sylhet Subhani Gate Counter, Sylhet +880 1730-060036
Mazar Gate Counter, Sylhet +880 1970-060034
Kadamtali Counter, Sylhet+880 1970-060036

Greenline Routes:

Greenline operates over 60 buses on scheduled routes. Greenline offers the most luxurious bus service in the country. Greenline mostly offers direct bus service to the destination. Unlike other bus services, it doesn’t stop at a lot of destinations on the road. Comfort and time efficiency is the core focus of Greenline Paribahan. If you are planning to take one of their luxurious, take a look at the following greenline route.

See also  Ena Transport Bus Counter Number, Address, & Ticket Price
Leaving FromReaching Destinations (Route)
DhakaChittagong – Dhaka
DhakaCox’s Bazar – Dhaka
DhakaTeknaf – Dhaka
DhakaKhulna – Dhaka.
DhakaSylhet – Dhaka.
DhakaRajshahi – Dhaka
DhakaBanapole – Dhaka
ChittagongSylhet – Chittagong
ChittagongBanapole – Chittagong

Ticket Price of Greenline Paribahan:

Luxury is the main focus of Greenline Paribahan. Greenline Paribahan imported the most luxurious models of VOLVO and SCANIA from Europe and the ticket price of these buses is much higher than other bus services. The ticket price of the economy Greenline bus service is more affordable. Here is a list of all the ticket prices of Greenline Paribahan for each destination.

FromToBus TypeTicket Price
DhakaChittagongDD UPPER1400
DhakaCox’s BazarSP 305-SP-K/B-2-UPPER DECK2500
DhakaCox’s BazarDD UPPER2000
DhakaCox’s BazarBUSINESS1800
DhakaCox’s BazarECONOMY1450
ChittagongDhakaDD UPPER1400
Cox’s BazarDhakaECONOMY1250
Cox’s BazarDhakaBUSINESS1700
Cox’s BazarDhakaDD UPPER1800
Cox’s BazarDhakaSP UPPER DECK2500
SylhetDhakaDD UPPER1200

How to purchase tickets of Greenline Paribahan:

Greenline ticket price depends on which bus service you choose to travel. Greenline Paribahan has the most luxurious upper deck and double-decker bus service whose ticket price is the highest among all. The economy and business class ticket prices are more reasonable. You can buy tickets from any of the greenline counters. Greenline Paribahan also offers online tickets. You can purchase tickets for Greenline Paribahan by simply following these steps:

  • Go to the website of Greenline Paribahan (
  • Select the place from where you want to depart and the destination. Fill up the box of the departing date.
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  • Choose your preferred time bus.
  • Select on the ‘View Seats’
  • On the left side of the screen you will see the list of available and booked seats. The green box indicates the available seats and the red box means the seat is already taken. Select your preferred seat from the available seats.
  • Choose your boarding point and time. Tap on ‘Next’
  • Fill up the form by giving your name, email, and contact number.
  • Select the terms and conditions box.
  • Continue with the payment procedure. You can pay via mobile banking (bkash and rocket), Credit or debit card (DBBL Nexus, QCash, Visa, Mastercard, and Amex card), Internet Banking ( AB Bank, Bank Asia, City Touch Bank, IBBL Bank, and Mutual Trust Bank)
  • Once the payment is confirmed you will get an invoice and e-ticket in your email.
  • A confirmation message from greenline will also be sent to your given phone number.
  • You have to show your e-ticket at the boarding counter 15 min before your departure.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Does the economy class of Greenline Paribahan have AC?

Depending on the destination, most of the economy class buses of  Greenline Paribahan have AC.

Does Greenline go to Kolkata?

Yes, Greenline Paribahan has a bus from Dhaka to Kolkata that departs at 10 pm.

Can I purchase a Greenline ticket online?

Yes, you can purchase Greenline tickets online through their official website You can make your payment via mobile banking, credit card, and internet banking.

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